iOS Apps worth a look

After some month of not having any new Apps on my iPhone (or Apps which didn’t made it longer than 10 sec) finally some new arrivals are worth a look: released a simple and nice iPhone-App which finally replaced Readability (because of the read-later functionality) on my homescreen and behind that its much more.
Fantastical (partner link) replaced the standard calendar App because of the much faster way to enter an event, e.g. the text “lunch at pizzeria napoli tomorrow with Paul at 12 pm /friends” adds automatically an calendar-event with the written data, /friends will save it under my “friends”-calendar. Additionally is the whole look of the App very nice
– Of course: Google Maps finally hit the App Store, new look and functionality are awesome

Besides these Apps which were already released, two other yet unreleased Apps caught my attention:

Grokr, a Google Now App for iOS – could be nice, should have been released today (I’m waiting…)
Mailbox seems to be a very sexy alternative to standard mail app – so looking forward to it (will be released next year)

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